Sandusky County Auditor Jerri Miller is the Chief Fiscal Officer, Chief Assessor and Sealer of Weights and Measures.
As Chief Fiscal Officer, she is responsible to account for the money received each year by the county and to issue warrants for payment of the county’s obligations, including the distribution of funds to the townships, villages, cities, school districts, county agencies and the library systems. The Auditor serves as the paymaster for all county employees, agencies and departments. The Auditor’s Finance Division serves as the watchdog over all county funds and maintains the official records of all receipts, disbursements and fund balances.
As Chief Assessor, Auditor Miller is charged with determining property values for taxing purposes and transferring real property deeds. As sealer of weights and measures, the Auditor is responsible for the testing and certifying various commercial measuring devices to be accurate.
Additionally, the Auditor serves as Administrator of the county’s secretary to both the Board of Revision and Budget Commission. Other duties include issuing dog licenses, certifying tax rates, administering various tax reduction programs and maintaining the county’s tax map and coordinator for the county’s Geographic Information System (GIS).