Bobby's Truck and Bus Repair

Bobby's Truck and Bus Repair


Automobile-Parts, Service, Repairs

About Us

Bobby Sears began his passion for providing safe transportation for students and their families while working at the Fremont City Schools bus garage. In January 1989, he opened his own mechanical garage business in Fremont, Ohio.
In March, 2003 Darin Dukeshire began employment at Bobby’s Truck and Bus Repair. For almost 16 years, Darin worked side by side with Bobby, learning the bus & fleet business as well as mastering many skills, earning certifications, and developing a love and understanding of the business. When the opportunity arose to purchase Bobby’s from the Sears’s, he immediately went to work, including enlisting the help of his son, Kyle Dukeshire. Kyle’s drive, financial understanding and connections, plus countless hours spent on the phone and internet, along with the immeasurable support from their family, friends and even the community, made their dream a reality October 19, 2018.
The first customer and fleet Bobby’s recruited in 1989 was Vanguard Vocational School System located in Fremont. To this day, Bobby’s still proudly works with Vanguard along with many other school systems, non-profit organizations and commercial businesses to meet their transportation demands. Today, not only does Bobby’s offer maintenance and service to these organizations, we now offer sales and a mobility division in order to sell, service and maintain handicap vehicles. This small but effective specialized business known as Bobby's, remains family owned and operated as Darin, Kyle and their family, along with a knowledgeable and dedicated staff, contribute to a team process.