The total solar eclipse is a hot topic in Sandusky County and we want to be sure our community is aware of what to expect. JOIN US and register here for our On the Menu with Lisa Kuelling, Director of the SanduskyCountyEMA /9-1-1/Homeland Security, as she presents facts and preparedness tips to our members for FREE!
Lisa came to the Sandusky County EMA/9-1-1/Office of Homeland Security in 2011, after being sub-contracted to FEMA, through GLCAP, for 10 years prior providing disaster response and emergency preparedness training. Lisa started with Sandusky County EMA as the Assistant Director and then was oathed into office as the Director in 2014 as well as the Emergency, Information and Response Coordinator for the Sandusky County LEPC (Hazardous Materials)
Lisa then took on the role of North Central Emergency Management Association of Ohio Regional Representative in 2015 and then became an Intelligence Liaison Officer for Sandusky County in 2019.
Lisa received her degree from the University of Iowa-School of Social Work in 2003. Lisa is a Certified Family Development Specialist, Family Advocate Intervention Specialist as well as a Court Mediator, a Crisis Intervention Team member, Critical Incident Stress Management Team Member and a Peer-to-Peer Group Crisis Intervention Team Member.
Since being employed in Sandusky County Lisa has completed all of her required Ohio Revised Code, National Incident Management System, Incident Command System, FEMA Professional Development Series and her Advance Professional Development Series
Monday Mar 4, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
The Victors Event Center
2270 Hayes Ave
Fremont, Ohio
Free for Members
Optional Lunch $20
$25 for Non-Members (includes lunch)
Stacy Root
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